Over the years, Cori has co-hosted a series of unique retreats for women. These retreats are aimed at women who want to explore, reinvent and reimagine themselves through the power of writing, yoga & connecting with other women.

These retreats combine daily yoga and movement with writing sessions and nourishing, delicious food in a variety of settings on the British Columbia coast. For women at all ages and stages, these retreats are for women in need of a creative boost, in the midst of a transition or difficult life moment or in search of passion, purpose and community. They provide time and space to connect with yourself and with other women, using writing and yoga as tools to reflect and heal.

For writers and yogis of all levels, these retreats offer deep, emotional introspection, restorative yoga, good company and inspirational stories.
The retreats – paused since COVID – will be launching again soon.
Please stay tuned for updates.
If you’d like to be put on the wait list for future retreats, please sign up below!